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Varicose Veins Ambulatory Phlebectomy Procedure

If you suffer from superficial or troublesome varicose veins, California Vein & Vascular Centers provides ambulatory phlebectomies throughout Los Altos, CA and the surrounding areas, including Los Gatos, Morgan Hill, Salinas, and more. We offer treatment for a wide range of vein disorders. The varicose veins treatment options we offer, including varicose veins ambulatory phlebectomy, varicose veins surgery, and varicose veins removal, can be customized to your unique needs.

Ambulatory Phlebectomy Procedure in Los Altos, Los Gatos, Morgan Hill, and Salinas, CA

What is Ambulatory Phlebectomy?

Ambulatory phlebectomy is a medical procedure used to remove superficial veins, such as varicose veins. This outpatient procedure removes troublesome veins through small, slit-like incisions in the skin. Occasionally, a vein can be removed in a single procedure, but sometimes multiple are needed.

Feet & Leg Swelling Treatment in Los Altos, Los Gatos, Morgan Hill, & Salinas CA

Why is an Ambulatory Phlebectomy Performed?

An ambulatory phlebectomy is performed on patients with bumpy veins that elevate the skin and superficial or troublesome varicose veins near the skin’s surface. This procedure is often performed in conjunction with other types of vein treatment, including ligation, stripping, laser, and radiofrequency. With an ambulatory phlebectomy, patients won’t require any stitches.

The Risks of Ambulatory Phlebectomy

Like any medical procedure, an ambulatory phlebectomy comes with risks. The most common risks of undergoing an ambulatory phlebectomy include the following:

  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Inflammation
  • Hyperpigmentation

What Happens During an Ambulatory Phlebectomy Procedure?

During an ambulatory phlebectomy procedure, your vein specialist will first identify the veins needing treatment. This will help ensure the preserved health of the surrounding veins and tissue, as well as a precise removal of the veins requiring treatment. During this procedure, a patient’s varicose veins will be removed through multiple small incisions in the overlying skin. A surgical hook will then be inserted to extract the damaged veins section-by-section. On average, the procedure can last anywhere from 45 to 60 minutes. An ambulatory phlebectomy is performed with a local anesthetic and doesn’t cause pain.

Ambulatory Phlebectomy Aftercare

After your ambulatory phlebectomy procedure, you will be able to return to your regular daily activities immediately. We encourage our patients to remain active while avoiding vigorous exercise such as heavy lifting. It is common for patients to experience temporary bruising and swelling after treatment, but the pain is usually minimal if the compression socks are worn as instructed. For one week following the procedure, we advise our patients to avoid hot baths, whirlpools or saunas, and aerobic activity.

Serving in the following Locations

• Los Gatos: San Jose, Campbell, Saratoga, Santa Clara Valley, Silicon Valley, the South Bay, the Bay Area, and Santa Clara County.
• Los Altos: Mountain View, Palo Alto, Sunnyvale, San Jose, Silicon Valley, the Peninsula, and the Bay Area.
• Morgan Hill: Gilroy, South San Jose, Silicon Valley, Watsonville, Santa Clara County.
• Salinas: Monterey County, Hollister, Prunedale, Monterey, Pacific Grove, Watsonville, Seaside, Carmel-By-The-Sea, Carmel

Contact Us Today to Schedule a Consultation

Patients trust the professionals at California Vein & Vascular Centers to help them find relief from leg swelling, varicose veins, spider veins, and numerous other vascular disorders. For years, Dr. Hardeep S. Ahluwalia and the rest of our expert team have provided patients throughout Los Altos, Los Gatos, Morgan Hill, and Salinas with top-tier vein treatment options and patient care. With four locations throughout the South Bay area, patients can choose the most convenient facility. Contact us today to learn more or to schedule a consultation with us at any of our four offices.

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